Description :
Conder Beach is a crumbling tourist town on the Gulf Coast, reliant on seasonal commerce and oil rigging. As threatening events, including a string of unaccountable deaths, begin to expose the delicate nature of their existence, one shop worker is the only resident willing to ask questions. Jordan is a man out of time, the only one seeking truth in a community based in sexual and corporate exploitation, class inequality, and impending ecological disaster. Though he is desperate for an ally, sounding the alarm only serves to further isolate him in a town that is quickly running out of options. "Stay at Conder Beach" draws you into a world that vacillates between reality and metaphor, examining the intangible evils that threaten our society and have crystalized so many into a pattern of self destruction. In the end credit sequence, speculation becomes undeniable reality in the real-life footage of Grand Isle, Louisiana.

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