Description :
El Vago (Martinez) has recently won an old-fashioned billiards hall in a heated contest with the joint's former owner El Mexicano (Jesus Ochoa). The first order of business: El Vago enlists the aid of ambitious assistant El Perro (Luna) in shooting an instructional billiards video. Trouble soon begins to brew, however, as El Perro is repeatedly distracted from his camera duties by El Mexicano's sexy daughter La Pujara (Hidalgo). Increasingly aggressive in his attempts to transform the venerable gaming establishment into a techno-throbbing youth hot spot, El Perro later crosses the line when he uses his lens to shoot a pornographic video with willing exhibitionist La Pujara. As an impressive array of billiards champs descend upon the pool hall for a high profile tournament, El Mexicano comes into possession of the steamy sex tape and flies into a vengeful fury.

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