I Want Someone to Eat Cheese With

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I Want Someone to Eat Cheese With.

I Want Someone to Eat Cheese With streaming . Photo : I Want Someone to Eat Cheese With date 2006-01-01

Genre :

Comedy, Romance,

Casting :

Jeff Garlin , Sarah Silverman , Bonnie Hunt , Dan Castellaneta , David Pasquesi , Amy Sedaris , Paul Mazursky , Richard Kind , Joey Slotnick , Elle Fanning , Aaron Carter , Gina Gershon , Jessy Schram , Tim Kazurinsky , Henriette Mantel , Mina Kolb ,

Description :
Life has its downs for James, living with his mom in Chicago at 39, an aging performer at Second City, eating and weighing too much. A woman he's been dating drops him, as does his agent, her brother. James turns down roles in local TV, roles that make him sad. Someone's remaking his favorite movie, "Marty," a role he'd love, but he doesn't even get an audition.

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