The Hidden Trail of The Beasts

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The Hidden Trail of The Beasts.

The Hidden Trail of The Beasts streaming . Photo : The Hidden Trail of The Beasts date 1981-09-12

Genre :

Drama, Action,

Casting :

Tomokazu Miura , Jun Fubuki , Rei Natsuki , Usami Keiko , Renji Ishibashi , Tōru Minegishi , Akira Nakao , Hiroshi Miyauchi , Takashi Shikauchi , Kai Atō , Rikiya Yasuoka , Kōjirō Kusanagi , Gajiro Satoh , Darlanne Fluegel , Kazuko Yoshiyuki , Shino Ikenami ,

Description :
A star tennis player takes revenge on the blackmailers out to ruin his athletic career.

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