Brain Smasher... A Love Story

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Brain Smasher... A Love Story.

Brain Smasher... A Love Story streaming . Photo : Brain Smasher... A Love Story date 1993-11-17

Genre :

Action, Comedy,

Casting :

Andrew Dice Clay , Teri Hatcher , Yuji Okumoto , Deborah Van Valkenburgh , Brion James , Tim Thomerson , Charles Rocket , Nicholas Guest , Dorothy Dells , Wrick Jones , Galen Schrick , Steve Tancora , Peter Kwong , Danny Perkin , Ross Huffman-Kerr , Russ Fast ,

Description :
A professional model, Sam Crain, is asked by her sister to smuggle a package from Europe to Portland Oregon, where she discovers that her sister is battling Chinese Shaolin Monks (not ninjas!). Fleeing the monks, Sam unwittingly involves Ed "Brainsmasher" Molloy, a nightclub bouncer.

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