Doctor Who: The Sun Makers

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Doctor Who: The Sun Makers.

Doctor Who: The Sun Makers streaming . Photo : Doctor Who: The Sun Makers date 1977-12-17

Genre :

Action, Adventure, Drama, Science Fiction, TV Movie,

Casting :

Tom Baker , Louise Jameson , John Leeson , Henry Woolf , Richard Leech , Jonina Scott , Roy Macready , David Rowlands , William Simons , Adrienne Burgess , Michael Keating , Carole Hopkin , Derek Crewe , Colin McCormack , Tom Kelly ,

Description :
Far in the distant future, Earth has become uninhabitable, forcing Mankind to colonise first Mars and then Pluto. No longer the coldest planet in the solar system, Pluto is now warmed by artificial suns. The Doctor, Leela and K9 arrive to discover the exploitation of the Megropolis people by the ruling elite, lead by the Collector. Deep in the Undercity, a small group of revolutionaries plot to overthrow the company and the Doctor is forced to fight the oppression of the people using Fire against Fire...

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