The Kids Are Alright: Destination Asturias

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The Kids Are Alright: Destination Asturias.

The Kids Are Alright: Destination Asturias streaming . Photo : The Kids Are Alright: Destination Asturias date 2021-07-08

Genre :

Comedy, Family,

Casting :

Santiago Segura , Leo Harlem , El Cejas , David Guapo , Alan Miranda , Eneko Otero , Luna Fulgencio , Javier García , Sirena Segura , Verónica López , Joaquín Reyes , Florentino Fernández , Eduardo Antuña , Alberto Casado , Itziar Castro , Martita de Graná ,

Description :
When Ricardo, a responsible father, decides to personally take his son to a camp in Asturias, other parents propose that he should also take care of their children. When the train is about to leave, Felipe, a flamboyant individual and grandfather of two of the children, shows up at the station.

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