Phantom of the Mall: Eric's Revenge

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Phantom of the Mall: Eric's Revenge.

Phantom of the Mall: Eric's Revenge streaming . Photo : Phantom of the Mall: Eric's Revenge date 1989-12-01

Genre :


Casting :

Derek Rydall , Kari Whitman , Rob Estes , Pauly Shore , Morgan Fairchild , Ken Foree , Kelly Rutherford , Jonathan Goldsmith , Kimber Sissons , Gregory Scott Cummins , Tom Fridley , John Walter Davis , Gary McGurk , Dante D'Andre , Terrence Evans , Jake Jacobs ,

Description :
A young man named Eric apparently dies in a suspicious house fire after saving his girlfriend, Melody. One year later, a new mall is constructed atop where Eric's house once stood, where a shadowy, uninvited guest is preying on the mall's crooked developers.

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