Description :
For Connie, things have been going to plan for many years, both professionally and in her private life. That is, until the son of the CEO takes over the business, forcing new demands on the workforce. In future, English is to be the business language. English? Fluently? Not wanting to lose her job, Connie immediately signs up for an intensive English language course in Ireland. But the perfectionist is totally unprepared for her teacher Gillian, the warm-hearted, yet slightly chaotic and young-looking woman, who sees her main job as funeral director as a vocation. Connie also has her problems with her co-student, Max, a Tom Jones imitator, who is currently in Ireland to visit his 16-year-old daughter, Amy. Much to Connie's displeasure, the bon vivant is not interested in rules and regulations. Connie soon realizes that she is missing something more in her perfect life than speaking perfect English. But can she leave her life behind and risk taking the plunge into the great unknown?

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