Description :
Renzo Collazos has been a recognized journalist for the political section of the newspaper El Comercio for a year. One morning, the website editor asks him to manage a blog dedicated to youth and write weekly about his pale social-sentimental-sexual life. Collazos accepts, convinced that he has nothing important to tell: he has no partner; he still lives with his mother; in his spare time he reads, writes poetry, masturbates, and is fed up with the fact that his closest friends have married (because he also wanted to marry). Unexpectedly, the Wanted Girlfriend blog becomes a success as Renzo writes about his cynical love dilemmas, from the marriage of his ex-girlfriend to the failed night raids on Friday and Saturday, and he gains popularity. That fame makes him a more selfish, more vain, more stupid guy who ends up sabotaging his relationships. He finds a girlfriend, but she decides to end things and his world falls apart again. Realizing what he has become, he decides to change.

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