Description :
A fictionalised documentary that tells the story of María Lejárraga, writer and pioneer of feminism in Spain during the 1920s, whose work was produced under the name of her husband, the theatre impresario Gergorio Marinez Sierra. Lejárraga was the most prolific Spanish female playwright of all time. She is the author of works such as "Cancion de cuna", as well as a member of parliament for the Second Republic and founder of pioneering projects for women's rights and freedoms.

To Spanish Women. María Lejárraga liens streaming

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To Spanish Women. María Lejárraga en vérsion HD et DVDrip . 1.2 GB HTML5

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To Spanish Women. María Lejárraga en vérsion HD et DVDrip. 1.4 MB mp4

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